Hire Me

Do you need a writer for your website, book, or hate letter to your ex?  Hiring people is hard.  Working with me is easy!  Don’t believe me?  Ask the Obama Family. They hired me to teach Sasha, so I must be good enough to at least pass a security clearance and show up, right?

Or you could stalk my work at some lovely places like The Huffington PostABC7 New York, ABC13 HoustonABC6 Philadelphia, Houston ChronicleScary Mommy, Love What Matters, BlogHerBlunt Moms , Sammiches and Psych Meds, or The Mighty.

Even Word Press chose something I wrote as one of the Best Posts of 2016!

Or, you could also ask the writers who have voted several of my personal essays into the “Crowd Fave” spot at Yeah Write‘s weekly writing contest or the editors who have given me numerous “Editor’s Pick” awards.  You can see which ones here.

Not convinced?  Email me anytime for further information at:

LisaShawPryvateParts (at) gmail.com

You can also find me on  Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Fun fact: I once received a 4 minute 52 second standing ovation in Europe for singing the lead in “Phantom of the Opera.”