Liebster Nomination!


I was nominated for a Liebster Award by storytotellya!

I’m super pumped and honored to be nominated.  Here are the details:

The Liebster Award is an award for new blogs. Liebster is a German word that means: BELOVED, CUTE, LOVELY, DEAREST, and WELCOME.

As part of this award chain, below are the steps to follow:

1) Thank the blogger nominating you, linking back to their blog
2) Post the Liesbter award logo in your post
3) Answer the questions posed to you
4) Nominate 5-11 other bloggers with less than 1000 followers you think deserve the award
5) Present them with a list of questions to answer in their blog. 
6) Comment on the nominees blog letting them know about the award.

Here are storytotellya’s questions to me:

(1) What song puts you in a better mood?

My favorite song in the whole world is “Listen to the Music” by the Dooby Brothers.  I’ve loved it since the 8th grade.  No matter what my mood is, if I hear it I smile.

(2) Why did you start your blog?

I really wanted to connect to other people and become more motivated to write, which I enjoy.

(3) What is the best trip you have ever taken?

I had the BEST time when I went to Jamaica with my husband.

(4) Have you ever been afraid for your own life?

Yes, unfortunately.

(5) If you could drive any car in the world, what would it be?

I’m short, so I like to be as high up as possible when driving.  So, like a really fancy SUV.  A Lexus, maybe.  I was inside of one of those once and it was fancy schmancy!

(6) Big dogs or small dogs?

Any dog, as long as I don’t have to walk it and it doesn’t go potty in the house!

(7) What’s your favorite movie of all time?

The Princess Bride!

(8) What post on your blog got the most attention (positive or negative)?

“Good Girl” – a 42 word story I wrote for a competition at called the Gargleblaster.  I won the crowdfav award with it!

(9) If you had unlimited funds, what are the first 5 things you would spend money on/give money to?

1. mental health research 2. the homeless 3. my closest friends and family 4. strangers on the street 5. cancer research

(10) What is your dream job?

Singing for a living and teaching music (I already do one of these!)


1. Name someone you can always rely on.

2. What is your most productive time of day?

3. What is your most favorite funny video, song, or blog entry?

4. If you were suddenly given a trip someplace amazing, who would you take with you?

5. What are you feeling right now?

6. The world would be a better place if…?

7. My favorite pair of shoes is ________ because _________.

8. If I had Oprah’s money and influence, I would…?

9. I feel most like myself when I…?

10. I read this blog post [name one from anywhere on the internet], and I think about it a lot because [insert answer],

11. Did you Google the Liebster award to see what it was all about like I did?

My 5 Nominees are:




Connect. Evolve. Thrive.



6 thoughts on “Liebster Nomination!

  1. Yes, firstly congratulations on your nomination and secondly, thank you ever so kindly for nominating me. I love when these things happen because I’m always introduced to new people in the process. Just hearing the song title I started to sing it in my head, such a catchy song. I love your big, big heart.


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